Tuesday 28 October 2014

The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

The Dead Men Stood Together by Chris Priestley (Bloomsbury)

The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner is a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and has inspired many a writer since it was published in 1798. Including Mary Shelly, M.R James, Edgar Allan Poe & Herman Melville.  The poem was so well known and so beloved that it morphed into a sort of myth or superstition. Sea faring folk are probably amount the most superstitious alive in my experience. Well them and the Irish Mammy.

For those unfamiliar with Coleridge's famous poem it is about a mariner who returns from sea after a long and arduous voyage. He stops a man on his way to a wedding and recounts his tale to him. At first the man is impatient, frustrated even wanting to get away but his feelings soon turn to fear and fascination as the story unfolds. It really is a beautifully written piece.

I don't want to give too much away but Chris Priestley's book contains all the details from the poem that make it so captivating and so beloved. This tale however is told from the point of view of the Mariners nephew which I felt was a lovely touch. Everything from the Albatross to the pilots son can be found within.

I like this book it did however drag on a little About midway through but was still interesting enough to make me want to continue on reading. Even if you have never read Coleridge's poem you will still enjoy The Dead Men Stood Together. Not overly creepy but then it is written with a younger audience in mind. That being said it would make a decent Halloween read. Maybe keep it in mind if your taking part in this years #AllHallowsRead.

All Hallows Read is basically a worldwide event where by you are encouraged to give a scary book to a friend to read. There will hopefully be a post up tomorrow with more on this.

Anyway until next time happy reading 😁



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