Sunday 26 October 2014

Review of the Gift Of Charms & Short Interview with its Author Julia Suzuki

Yoshiko's first day at school doesn't exactly go well. I guess first days can be just as hard for Dragons as they can be for humans.

The Land Of Dragor is an adventure quest series about the challenges between Dragons, Humans and the evil Dragsaurs(half dragon, half dinosaurs). The Gift Of Charms is the first book in the series.

Yoshiko is born from a strange egg. Usually dragons from strange eggs are seen to be cursed and are taken away in black baskets before they can do any harm. Yoshiko's father manages to persuade the dragon who comes for him to leave him be.

When Yoskio goes to school he feels a bit useless. He is brave and on the first day tries to breath fire with the other Dragons but he fails and as a result earns a tormentor in Igorr and his clan mates. Life for Yoshiko becomes even more complicated when he finds himself changing colour. He tries desperately to keep this newly acquired ability a secret as he desperately tries to fit in.

Everything changes when Yoshiko meets Guya a reclusive elder that lives alone in the mountain. Guya is a well of knowledge and he is the only Dragon who can help Yoshiko with his Special ability. If Yoshikos can pass Guya's trials he will help him but the tasks are not at all easy and Yoshiko will need to work very hard and be very brave indeed if he wishes to pass.

Julia very kindly offered me a digital copy of The Gift Of Charms for review. I started reading and found myself unable to stop until I had finished and so the book was read in one sitting. My only complaint was that it ended as I would have gladly sat all day reading. Needless to say I can't praise this book highly enough. I loved it so much that it prompted me to ask Julia for a short interview she kindly accepted and you will find it below. I look forward to reading more from The Land Of Dragor Series.

Julia Suzuki is represented by literary agency Darley Anderson, her novel is available here and is published by John Blake Publishing, Dino Imprint.

You can follow her on Twitter @JuliaSuzuki_uk

 Interview with Julia Suzuki for

Hi, Julia. Firstly I want to say Thank You for the opportunity to Read & Review The Gift Of Charms. It was unputdownable and I enjoyed it so much I finished it in one sitting.

Thank you for the invite Jenny 

Where did you get your inspiration for The Land Of Dragor Series and did you do much research into Dragon Mythology?

I have travelled and widely and thus the inspiration for 'The Land of Dragor' came from the many places I have visited; particularly America where I spent a lot of time in my former career (when I worked in the resorts industry) . It was certain places and my own love for adventure that inspired me.

 I have not done much personal research into dragon mythology. It was my own imagination and beliefs that  created the characters...

How did you come up with your Dragon names?

There is a Polish saying that when translated means 'the first one for the book'. I think it actually applies to things generally -- like if a person makes a derogative comment and then tries to take it back -- but for me specifically it applies to my naming of characters. The first name that came to mind for my characters was the one I used and I found the character names came easily.

Your Dragon children read the same as a human child would it's very unique and I don't think I have ever read anything quiet like it before. What made you want to write them that way?

I just felt dragons would be clever creatures -- as clever as humans. I saw them that way in my mind and it felt right :)

What advice would you give any young writers out there on how they too can create a magical story like The City Of Charms?

My advice to any 'would be' author is to follow your genuine passion in the subject you write about, as your work will then show passion and appear genuine. Also it is important to read as broadly as possible to  learn from the different tones that authors use.

What book are you currently reading?

I am reading Martina Cole's latest thriller 'Revenge'. It is very hard hitting about an over  protective Father who is in the mafia.

When can we expect the next instalment in The Land Of Dragor Series?

The second book is complete and scheduled for release next year! Date to be announced.

Well thank you very much for the opportunity to interview you Julia. I love that your book is just as enjoyable to read as an adult as it is for a child. I feel that's the mark of a great book. I wish you all the best and I can't wait to read more. 

Thank you Jenny. All the very best with your blog and best wishes to your blog followers and associates. Julia

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