Wednesday 20 August 2014

Landline by Rainbow Rowell

I recently read Eleanor & Park and absolutely loved everything about it(you can find my review Here ). So I decided to check out more of her stuff, as you do. Landline was her most recently published book and unlike Eleanor & Park it isnt YA. So I thought I've read a lot of YA lately (I'm unapologetic about it, I'm no book snob) I'll give it a go. Also I thought it would be interesting to see the differences if any. You can tell this is written for adults from the get go but it's still very much just as enjoyable as Eleanor & Park.

Georgie McCool is a thirty something mother of two. She's the career mom she writes sitcoms with  her best friend Seth, loves her job and does it well. She's at the peak of her career. Her personal life  however isn't in such great shape her marriage is in trouble and has been for some time but they are still very much in love with each other. Her husband Neal stays home with the girls and does the cooking and cleaning and Georgie comes home late most nights exhausted from long hours of work. Work that she loves. Neal's not mad about the industry Georgie's in. It doesn't appeal to him, in fact he hates it but he's supportive of her. Georgie gets the opportunity to get herself and Seth's dream show up and running but it involves her putting in more hours and working Christmas. Which would be fine only the family is supposed to be flying out to Omaha to stay with Neal's mother for Christmas. The tickets have been bought and Santa has been informed. Neal isn't happy with this and decides to go to Omaha with the children without Georgie. Which means Georgie won't be with them for Christmas.

Georgie is in serious denial at first about what is actually happening when Neal and her two young daughters head off to Omaha. At first she's convinced everything is okay that her and Neal are fine and that he hasn't left her but later on she's not so sure. She becomes a mess without Neal not really sure what to do about their marriage or how to fix things. She calls him everyday but he doesn't answer. She speaks to the children and his mother but he is always off somewhere or with Dawn his neighbour and ex-fiancée. Georgie's mother is also convinced that the marriage is over and asks her to come have dinner. Georgie finding it hard to go back to her now empty house ends up staying at her mothers every night. She calls Neal from an old yellow rotary telephone she bought from a thrift shop when she was a teenager. But the Neal that answers isn't her Neal but a younger version the one that left and went to Omaha after they had a fight when they first started dating and then showed up on Christmas Day with a ring and proposal. Georgie feels like she's going insane at first but she just goes with it. Maybe she can fix all this by speaking to Neal in the Past.

Anyway I'll say no more and let you find out the rest for yourself. It's very witty and intelligent. You really get to know Rowell's characters they are so vivid. You become invested in them and want to know what's in store for them. Rainbow Rowell truly is a magical writer and I look forward to reading all her other books past and future.

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